We are consulting solutions to corporate customers. With the product: Corporate System OMEGA ® is a software development based on business needs, the actual production of medium-sized enterprises and large. Is a large software system is composed of several modules apply to parts of the organization. OMEGA ® technologies built on advanced Microsoft Visual Studio.NET is fully compatible with the run on the intranet and the Internet, to communicate easily with other software applications.
OMEGA ® customers with complete peace of mind about the management of its resources: from sales, purchasing, revenue, expenses, liabilities, cost allocation, ... to the analysis of profit and loss, ... shall be managed in a uniform and coherent. OMEGA ® is associated with a development consultant team of experienced direct survey and provide application solutions. Customers complete peace of mind about quality products and our services.
Corporate governance systems OMEGA ® is a large software system, developed standards and an elaborately. Each product features are built through an adjustment cycle phases: requirements analysis, system design, programming, testing errors, ...
OMEGA ® system has successfully implemented a number of large companies in Vietnam. This is a product is divided into a module with each department within the enterprise and we have a relationship very closely, the modules include:
1. OMEGA.SD - Information sharing
2. OMEGA.SM-System Administration
3. OMEGA.GL - Business Accounting
4. OMEGA.WM - Inventory Management
5. OMEGA.FA - Fixed Asset Management
6. OMEGA.PC - Cost of product
7. OMEGA.MC - Management Accounting
8. OMEGA.SO - Sales Order Management
9. OMEGA.PO - Purchase Order Management
10. OMEGA.HR - Human Resource Management
11. OMEGA.PR - Manager salary
12. OMEGA.PR - Manager salary
Technology use
• System Database Administration Microsoft SQL Server 2005
• Microsoft Visual Studio. Net
• Crystal Report 9.2
• Component One
• Photoshop 9.0
The advantages of the product
Advanced technology: OMEGA ® Products are built on advanced technologies and modern. The product is run on Windows 32bit operating system, Windows 64bit. Unicode font, the database is SQL Server 2005, the interface is a technology Microsoft Visual Studio.. NET
Streamlined: OMEGA ® is a software product with moderate, consistent with the size of medium enterprises. The division was organized to determine a reasonable, broken down into modules.
Nice and friendly interface: The screen is simply designed, comfortable with the input data, the user can define entries option turned off, auto color format to suit their preferences .
Strict separation of powers: OMEGA ® user management rights through the function (screen) and data. The functions View, Add, Edit, Delete, Print is designed to make independent customer more flexibility in organizing and controlling multiple user data. In addition, the OMEGA ® also features Decentralize data. Accounts, inventory, accounting period clearly defined rights to the user.
Stable, fast processor: most prominent feature of the OMEGA ® is stability. Users feel secure about their data. Actions Add, Edit, Delete are closely managed. The data are entered to the accounting books in accordance with accounting procedures; OMEGA ® database is built, and optimized to fully exploit the strengths of Microsoft technologies, SQL Server Management System. Allow large data found Tetrabyte (1 Tetrabyte = 1024 GB), so customers complete peace of mind with its large data. Completely safe data backup thanks to the advanced technology of this handling procedures and data access optimization is split, so the speed of calculation and process very fast.
Open and flexible features: OMEGA ® offers many options for customizing the user can program in line with its mode of operation. Users can define detailed system of accounts, types of currency, documents, numeric formats (integer and decimal part). Moreover, users can adjust their own or a new set of reports for their own business.
Multilingual Vietnamese - English - United: With the development in modern technology, so OMEGA ® multi-language support English - Vietnamese - Hoa, .... Users can define the interface at its sole discretion.
High inheritance: To help users quickly handled, OMEGA ® building systems the standard entry form, to guide users to automatically set up the same data; The commonly used parts of code items, customer code, vendor code, employee code ... the code of this system are linked together. Orders are tracked from across the business, to accounting, manufacturing and other parts ...
Serve its corporate governance: Besides the normal functions of a complete accounting software. OMEGA ® always towards the development of special features to best serve the work of a comprehensive governance of customers; OMEGA ® maximum support to make the bid, estimated profits and losses each order to help for the negotiation and successful business decisions, establishment and management of detailed plans for spending the revenue of the business ... Just as the assessment of capacity, quality and sales responsibility for debt collection employees.
Multi-user: OMEGA ® was designed, built to maximize the utilization of computer network systems. With a strong server, OMEGA ® unlimited number of users (support hundreds of users simultaneously.) In addition, the OMEGA ® applications run on the machine (only one machine) without any obstacles.
Intensive operations: The accounting profession as complex as: Handling rate differences automatically, Allocation of prepaid expenses, revenue received in advance, The cost of inventory, expense allocated costing, .. the analysis, design science, the best service professional accounting work for clients.
Reported extensive diversity: OMEGA ® provides system reports very rich, diverse. In addition to standard reports as prescribed by the State, OMEGA ® always towards the comprehensive management reports to assess accurately and objectively about the business situation of enterprises. Especially, with the OMEGA ® users can print summary reports for years, many units individually instead of in the year, each unit. All reports can be filtered in many different criteria. Thereby making the report that was extremely lively, easy to understand and compare.
This software is a collaboration between:
Customers can contact directly:
Address: 135/1/62 Nguyen Huu Canh, Ward 22, Binh Thanh District, Ho Chi Minh
Tel: (+84-8) 3512 8429
Fax: (+84-8) 7303 1039
Mobile: +84907877577