
Establish systems of internal control
We always understand that the audit objective is to express a true and reasonable opinions of the financial statements on the basis of the basic principles are: compliance with the laws of the State of Vietnam to comply with rules professional ethics; Compliance auditing standards, and always skeptical about taking the job.
Internal Audit
In the audit process we will always be associated with the information support and consultancy to help improve the system of internal controls, improving the organization of accounting and financial management of your enterprise.
We always support local businesses and enterprises with foreign investment, international organizations operating in Vietnam in time to follow the regulations and laws of the State of Vietnam in Accounting - Finance - Statistics - Taxes in economic management, contributing to better organize the accounting system of the enterprise, helping businesses of the enterprises with high efficiency.
Lightning accounting control system
Horizon operates under the principle of independence, objectivity, integrity, protection of rights and business secrets of the interests of customers like yourself on the basis of legal compliance regulations. Principles of professional ethics, quality of service provided and the reputation of the Company is the leading standards that all employees of Horizon has always done.